Welcome to the online office of Lillico Bazuk Galloway Halka, one of Peterborough’s oldest and most respected law firms. Explore our comprehensive notes on the intricacies of major legal issues, learn about the firm and the partners, or make full use of our site’s special features.
We pride ourselves on providing quality legal services. Our team of experienced lawyers and law clerks focus on ensuring that our clients are well informed and well advised.
Family law is about relationships and rights within families. It includes cohabitation agreements, marriage contracts, divorce and separation, child custody and access, and support payment matters.
Estate Planning provides important structures to protect a client’s financial security and reduce exposure to taxes upon death. It also ensures protections for your family against claims against the inheritance left to them.
A Will is the only opportunity you have to control what happens to your assets after your death. Without a Will, Ontario law provides for payment of your debts and a distribution of any remaining assets among the next of kin. A properly drafted Will provides powerful protection for your beneficiaries and opportunities for them to reduce taxes.
Whether buying or selling property, your lawyer performs many valuable services. Your lawyer has only your interest at heart, and can give you impartial expert advice to avoid future problems.
Business law encompasses all of the laws that dictate how to form and run a business. This includes all of the laws that govern how to start, buy, manage and close or sell any type of business. Incorporation, partnership and shareholder agreements provide significant benefits for business owners.
Many Canadian families include a disabled child or sibling. Sometimes the disability is physical, other times it is a mental limitation. Whatever the nature of the disability, the parents are the child’s primary safety net. We can assist with planning to ensure that when parents have passed, their disabled child will continue to be cared for and protected without loss of disability benefits.
Most people know that a Will is a necessary part of their planning, and that it ensures their wishes and intentions are carried out after their death. However, it is equally important to protect yourself during your lifetime with Powers of Attorney to prevent government involvement in your legal affairs if you become incapable, and to ensure proper medical treatment without delays in accordance with your wishes if you are unable to consent to treatment yourself.
The wish of most cottagers is to pass on their cottage to the next generation. Most are keenly aware of how special and valuable the cottage experience is, and of how difficult it will be for their children to be able to find and afford a cottage of their own. There are many financial and family obstacles to identify and overcome to ensure a successful cottage succession, and our firm has extensive expertise in keeping the “family” in your family cottage.
If you have a comment or suggested topic for Peterborough This Week’s “Legal Lines” column, please contact us.
If you have any questions about any of our services or what we can do for you, do no hesitate to send us a message.
Our offices at 163 Hunter Street West are located in a historic building, constructed in 1875 as the Oriental Hotel by the Dickson Lumber Company. The upper floors were hotel rooms, and on the street level were commercial units.
In the late 1890s, Michael Murty sold boots and shoes from 163. Next door at 167 James Lewis operated his barber shop for over 40 years. The Oriental Café was at 169, and the most westerly portion, now the Bell parking lot, served as the lobby of the hotel itself. In the entrance way to our office there are photographs of the Oriental Hotel in its heyday, one showing the magnificent lobby well outfitted with cuspidors and potted palms to echo the oriental theme.
The Oriental ceased hotel operations in 1917, but during the outbreak of the global Spanish Influenza that followed the Great War, it was pressed back into service and its rooms and facilities used to care for many patients. Subsequently the building was used for a variety of purposes, including the offices for Peterborough Lumber (successor to the founding Dickson Lumber Company), the Royal Bank of Canada and the first Trent University Bookstore.
In 1965, two local lawyers (W. B. Gordon and James B. Lillico) moved their partnership from second floor offices around the corner in the Cluxton Building on George Street, to 163 Hunter St. West. They substantially renovated with traditional mahogany panelling and modern glass walls, but retained the century old safe and steam heating plant.
In 1974, almost exactly 100 years from construction, most of the old structure was demolished, leaving only 163 still standing. Vestiges of the Oriental still linger on our third floor – seven hotel rooms with faded floral wallpaper, a washroom with marble sink, doors with glass transoms that still swing on their original hinges – poignant reminders of what was once “Peterborough’s most elegant hotel”.
In 2012 the building’s current owners, Stephen Bazuk and Peter Lillico, initiated substantial renovations designed to restore the building to reflect the historical Oriental Hotel so far as was feasible. This included replacement of all of the windows facing Hunter Street with the same gracefully arched and double-arched windows. A cornice, faithful to the original structure that was removed at some time in the early 20th century, is also part of the restoration. Finally, the paint scheme and exterior finishings are based upon the early photos of the Oriental Hotel.
The Oriental Hotel itself may be gone, but it has not been forgotten. The County of Peterborough’s Historic Places Commemoration Project has honoured it with a plaque denoting its architectural and historical importance to the Community.
Meet our experienced team of professionals, we specialize in many areas of the law.
To learn more about our lawyers and for tips on how to choose the right lawyer, please visit The Team page by clicking below.

Peter Lillico
Estate Planning, Wills, Powers of Attorney, Estate Administration and Real Estate.

Peg Galloway
Real Estate, Estate Planning, Wills, Family Law and Children’s Lawyer.